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devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: UberLord/Kenny on June 11, 2010, 08:20:56 PM ---Pupcakes.
Bake any cupcake you want with any color you want. Then you frost them with vanilla frosting. Afterward, get some red fruit roll up and cut out a tongue and position it near the bottom. Then cut out some yellow flavors and make ears by cutting the shape then folding it slightly over. Use a brown jelly bean as the nose and BAM a pupcake.
If you want actually cooking make spare ribs cooked in a crock pot all day with honey barbecue sauce. I can't find the recipe at the time, but it's amazing. I just had some today.
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thanks! Those are great creative ideas! Thanks a bunch :P
GNOCCHI IS TEH BAWBMZ liek nomin zambiez
EDIT: pingas.
Cake Face:
Cheesecake. Ftw. New york style. Strawberry.
Lol @ women cooking the kitchen.
devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: lolwut on June 11, 2010, 09:22:46 PM ---Lol @ women cooking the kitchen.
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yar its hilarious cuz women neva kewk in da kitchen
Btw, guys dont know the difference between a meal and dessert?
--- Quote from: Deviant on June 11, 2010, 09:37:43 PM ---yar its hilarious cuz women neva kewk in da kitchen
Btw, guys dont know the difference between a meal and dessert?
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I cook, so I know the difference. I don't know about anyone else...
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