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devvybabe ♥:
Give me ideas to cook.
Post your favorite meal that you've had and love to have every other day.
Post the name of it, recipe if you can, and the ingredients if you can.
Give as many as you can no matter how many your favorite meals are.

I'm running out of ideas. I need to cook a meal every day for 7 days a week you know :)
I googled it up. The selections were too wide to choose from. It would take me awhile.

So I need your help!

Waffles, pancakes, sushi (lol), shnizel: buy some fish or meat, cook it, but some ummm like a crispy cover if you want and you're done =P
Or just make some sandwiches/noodles/fried egg/omlette with cheese and vegetables/egg/salad =D

I don't really have any idea's cause I never cook lmao

EDIT: Google gave me some nice sites: http://allrecipes.com/  and  http://www.freecookingrecipes.net/ enjoy lol oh and 1ST REPLY FTW

It's time for some non-chocolate swiss food, it seems.
If you know it, make Fondue! If not, you're probably better off not doing it :X
Then, Älpler Magronen! I honestly don't know the English name, and unless you speak a pretty good german, I can't help you there either. I'm searching for it.
And the most important: Capuns!
Just follow this: http://www.graubuenden.ch/gastronomy-switzerland/specialities/capuns.html?L=2
There are other brilliant swiss recipes there too. In English.
Believe me. It's brilliant stuff, even though you probably won't like it at first. <3
(Remember: Mix stuff up. You can add/remove stuff you like/don't like from it. That's how we roll. <3)

devvybabe ♥:
Thanks very much it helps!

--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 11, 2010, 10:37:56 AM ---Google gave me some nice sites: http://allrecipes.com/  and  http://www.freecookingrecipes.net/

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Deviant on June 11, 2010, 10:26:36 AM ---I googled it up. The selections were too wide to choose from. It would take me awhile.

--- End quote ---

Tried google. I've came across what you suggested long time ago.
Like I said, the selections were too wide to choose from.
Besides looking at a food picture and saying "oh that looks good let me make that" isnt really my thing.
I like having actual people recommend food since they know it would taste good



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