One morning when Minic was firing up the old Waffle Copter so he could go to work, A giant zagnipple came out and told him the secrets of the universe, Having learned info only to be known by the zagnips, Minic set off on a journey to get to the great waffle kingdom, where he could release the info to the WaffleBBQrz and save humanity. Being warned of his vast knowledge of the cosmos and all that lives and does not, the WaffleBBQrz feared his arrival, sending 9001 pingas to troll him before he could get to the grand WafflePalace. Minic was unknowing of what was about to take place, but he entered the Waffle Kingdom like he owned the bitch. Minic was getting surrounded, which gave him no other choice. He had to put a stop to the WaffleZagnipz, his only choice, was to divide by zero. Once the proper formula was crafted Minic revealed the Waffle with the inscripted numbers to everyone, resulting in a mass combustion and a giant rip in the space time continuum. Lucky for us, Minic was able to get in his Delorean and go back to the year 1880, where he is currently making a living as a traveling pingas salesman.