Other Shiz > Boneyard
Looking for an unban section of the fourms.... may have found it.
--- Quote from: Nurse Choucho on June 08, 2010, 11:21:10 AM ---You're periods prove that you're mad
Adding periods and using good grammar suddenly says you are raging because you're trying to be smart
And that smiley face is only saying more to your rage
You tears feed me Silver Angel
Also,I'm not a troll anymore banana,I'm a Juggernaught till silver is gone
--- End quote ---
w/e Idk who silverbandit or angel whoever he is nor do i care. You can call me whatever you want and I wouldn't care much about it. :)
Your pretending not to know who silver angel was is only confirming it further
Think of it,why would you say Silver Bandit when Silver Angel IS RIGHT UP THE PAGE!!!
Concerning your attempt to fake your alliasess:
Aliases can easily be faked,in fact,you wouldn't even know my old name was Nurse Choucho,as the settings on my account save every name I've ever had
Very simple equation silver,you spammed a bunch of different names so that your REAL old name wouldn't be seen
As for your knowing what pity means
Google Search
Instead of looking it up like an intellect you didn't bother to get your fat ass out of the god damned chair
Thank you
com again
Ps:Impressive repeated double posting
Wow Idk if ur an idiot or a retard.
^3+^2ExE^3+^2Dragon^3boy is my profile name.
So don't act like u know me, it just proves ur an idiot.
I already apologized to u but ur still continuing to act like a dick.
So grow up an act like ur an adult and maybe.
http://www.xfire.com/profile/dragonoxo/ read it and scroll down to garrys mod.
Dragonboy, you are a noob.
And Nurse, you fail at grammar.
"I'm 13 and wat is this?"
You have been ignored for this reason: I'm 13. I said it like 4 times in this topic, I think....... another reason why u are ignored: Failed attempt to see reasoning, and not acting mature.
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