Other Shiz > Boneyard

Looking for an unban section of the fourms.... may have found it.

(1/11) > >>

Well here's an apology to all those I rdm in TTT. If u weren't there then don't post crap about: OH HOW COULD U DO SOMETHING F-ing RECKLESS? I know what I did and I am now going to serve my time. If an admin has a way to shorter way to end my sentence quicker (such as a chore) I would be able to do it.
Thank you for reading this,
                                             Your least favorite player, Dragonboy
                                                   p.s add me on steam.

RDM is allowed, Votebans only last 60 minutes.

Have fun playing TTT.


--- Quote from: Dragonboy on June 07, 2010, 10:41:50 AM ---a way to shorter way to end my sentence quicker (such as a chore) I would be able to do it.

--- End quote ---

O.o I can think of many ways ;) LMAO

Anyways if you got vote ban it only lasts an hour so don't worry

It says my steam account is banned from the server. But when I play a different server it works fine.... so..... admin ban maybe?

Can any1 help me?


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