We were playing Winter Survival,
the fun fuzz ball
(respected) Snake_666
A2. :white A5shark:.
Teh Sandvich isn't a spy
And I
I had somehow died, and Snake had been dead a while, so Spy suicided to restart the round, but Stricken and Fuzz refused to kill eachother, even when we said they were supposed to, the Two man left rule or whatever.
After about 5 minutes three of us agreed that if they didnt kill eachother, next map we would just kill them first, then play, but finally Stricken killed Fuzz, so we said we forgave them.
Well, we were gathering supplies when I started taking damage and notice Stricken throwing rocks at me, so I fought back, asking Spy for help (which he was afk at the time IM guessing) and as I am fighting, Snake_666 tells Stricken to suicide, so he DID, then Snake_666 Votebanned me for "DMing to early" and had Wastelander not hit the wrong button, it would have been fine. I just am annoyed that Snake votebanned me for fighting back and then had the guy suicide to make me look guilty.
I have to go to work soon now, but this was about 15 minutes ago.
Oh, and Proof-