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Underdone suggestion

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If we host it I will probably make a thread for people to think up quests so I can get them coded easier. lol

It's an amazing game mode. There are only a few things I find lacking.
#1. I think that teirs for special crafting and such should actually do something. I grinded my chemical engineering teir for pretty much nothing.
#2. More quests, in certain areas in the game, the only way you can lvl up is grinding which gets boring. More quests would really help.
#3. More weapons, all there is are a few melee weps and guns at low levels, then you have to wait until you're like level 30 for a new weapon.
#4. More crafts, I enjoy craft grinding because I get lots of money, but currently I have only 3 crafts and they get boring.
If we work on these things, it would probably be a lot better.


--- Quote from: UberLord/Kenny on May 31, 2010, 09:07:22 AM ---#3. More weapons, all there is are a few melee weps and guns at low levels, then you have to wait until you're like level 30 for a new weapon.

--- End quote ---

Hmm you get better guns and armor from killing carbines... i now have a sniper :P

well the gamemode is a beta release,  meaning its an unfinished release so of course there will be flaws, and as far as i know other server communities are developing it, not the original owner and they're using it for their server only, so their updates aren't something we can easily obtain let alone ask for and expect to recieve... besides its not like we cant code it ourselves...  @Krasher, theres no need for a seperate thread all quest suggestions and ideas can be posted here, it would be a pain trying to keep up with more than one post for one project. many things usually gets double posted anyways.Quests are easy to code in. so all suggestions can be posted here and ill implement them onto the beta server.


--- Quote from: sleepersoft on May 31, 2010, 11:16:16 AM ---@Krasher, theres no need for a seperate thread all quest suggestions and ideas can be posted here, it would be a pain trying to keep up with more than one post for one project. many things usually gets double posted anyways.Quests are easy to code in. so all suggestions can be posted here and ill implement them onto the beta server.

--- End quote ---
lol /:P.

Quest 1.

--- Code: ---Tasks["WtfH4X"] = {
NAME = "Wtf H4X",
"You know that bigass Antlion Guard? Well we are having\n"..
"problems with the fucker! Gather some oil so we can\n"..
"set a charge on his home!\n",
TOGET = {item_oil = 20 ,EXP = 2000,},
REWARD = {item_dollars = 500,EXP = 700,},

--- End code ---


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