Long ago there was a crystal that powered the lands and aloud it to flourish
For centuries civilization benifited greatly from this crystal
Until one day a massive earth quake shattered the continent apart
All seemed lost until the reinvention of steam technology
Now the three sides battle each other for control of the Neo-Steam
Neo-Steam is a steam-punk style MMORPG
It has the normal gameplay styles you'd expect from and MMO
however,with some special tweaks to them
The RvR in Neo-Steam isn't what you'd expect
you would think that it's just another boring old battlefield map where you run up and capture some treasure or somethingthing right?
The RvR(realm vs realm) allows you to actually spawn your own siege equipment that you can customize
You're aloud to pick one of three classes
In a short version
Quick(takes out heavy)
Medium(takes out quick)
Heavy(takes out Medium)
The RvR can vary from
Or capturing and castle
The PvP(player vs player)
is generally normal,you go out on a battlefield
and fight other players
nothing all that special
The PvE(player vs envirement-npcs ect.) is actually quite interesting,you'd expect to go out and fight
5 billion monsters of your level
however the PvE has you fight creatures of a much higher level
It's seems like just a regular game,but when you play it,you can tell something isn't right
Something you can't help but enjoy
In my life I've tried and played many MMORPG's
But Neo-Steam is on of the greatest games I've ever played
Yes,it has its bugs and glitches,and can be mildy laggy
But it is still one of my favorite games
Neo-Steam gets five stars
out of five