Hello, I'm Luxinus and I'd like to be respected.
I like to use wire a lot but generally people just minge or complain that its wire and its lame, blah, blah, blah. So I'd like to be respected on this server so that I can wire and such to my full potential. I could just wire in singleplayer but I like playing online with people more (Seems too quiet when I'm alone.). I like to talk a lot but I'm generally pretty nice and I try not to minge

I play Gmod (obviously), TF2, HL2, detest CS, I also like X3 (Look it up

). I don't like CS or HL2 much because they seem too shooty in a way. I prefer these building games where things are more complex rather then just shoot.
I do enjoy roleplay to some extent. My steam ID is Luxinus and my name right now is A Funky Chicken. I generally stay away from most servers because of minges and I'm hoping this with this registration form and such I'll be able to simply avoid them rather then have to prop push them or something which leads to problems and people getting angry rather then justice being served. So I'm hoping I can simply find a nice server where I can build with wire and such and have some fun guns (Yay) and meet some nice people.
I generally play any time from 4 PM to 3 AM though my school habits are changing (Due to a nasty "You're gonna fail if you don't do better" letter) so I may start playing less earlier.