I said I made that at age 7 lawl, when I used to love DBZ, now there's no DBZ in Israel =\
Lol, I gave my huge deck to my cousin, I had like 100 cards (I'm serious lol) and I also loved Naruto, Ichigo 100%, Inuyasha, etc. now I only love Bleach FTW =D
o.O no moar dragonball there? awwwwwwwwww.................... FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU--------- Dragonball is teh best action anime i ever watched
and Inuyasha is the best anime love story i ever watched
Edit: o.O ok no moar spam

PS: mah room is full of pant**s and B*r*a**h becuz of mah girlFRIENDS!