So I was in TTT doing my usual, prop killing with meh buds. (wasn't prop killing ppl who didn't want to be killed). And then this Dr.Kliener guy shows up. He prop kills until he gets killed and won't stop. Jeremy banned him for surprise buttsex prop killing me when I wasn't going to battle him. The ban works, he gets banned from the server for 60 minutes. All a sudden, he joins 1 minute later. Obviously teh hax. When he joins again he explains about how butthurt he is, and then he bans me before Jeremy bans him again. A minute later this happens to teh Jeremy!!! D: D: D:!!!!
(Propz)-Forever-Jeremy-: NOW HES BANNING ME!
(Propz)-Forever-Jeremy-: FUCK I GOT BANNED
(Propz)-Forever-Jeremy-: SHIT BRICKS GTFO!
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: lol
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: by who?
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: Dr.Kliener?
(Propz)-Forever-Jeremy-: no shit
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: cause ill add this to the report
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: k
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: and what reason?
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: did he have one?
(Propz)-Forever-Jeremy-: no reason ?
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: ook he jus tbutthurt again
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: k ill post this too
(Propz)-Forever-Jeremy-: <333
SabbathFreak911-KingProp: lol Kthnxbai
Jeremy did nuffins

. <3
Anyways lol, I haz demo of it, I'm uploading it now, will post it when done.Kthnxbai.
Teh Demuz Thank you.