This friend I met on the GMR server I go to with the fail admins is making a new RP mod which is basically uber-perp. He asked me if I'd like to help him make a new map for the mod as well and I accepted the challenge. It'll be fun, but hard, and I was wondering if any of you would like to help me? All I need help with on this is custom models and textures, the rest I can do on my own. I noticed a lot of people are talented with graphics on here so I hope someone would like to help me with my custom textures atleast

. Of course, if you help me with textures or models or anything I will also give you credit on the map. Kthnxbai.
Just post if you're interested and I'll talk to you on Steam about what I need. (if you don't have me on Steam my Steam name is warriorprop)