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kk wuv joo too magic

Tiger Guy:
Ill give you my porn collection! Just kidding. ;D

omg that was so nice of you Don!

once, when a guys account was hacked, i gave him hl2 ep1 hl2 ep2 portal, and tf2

he promiced me to once give me back legit gmod

that was one year ago  :( :( :( :( :(


Some people are rly bad.

keel em at sight

I was playing with frank today. He added me. I was caught off guard when he said hi.
Frank: Hey
Me: Wait, I know you...
Me: Give me a second
Frank: I'm from the forums, lawl
Me: I knew that....
Then we played tf2 on an arena server and we lived happily ever after <3


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