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we wuz hacin' funz0r.

That server is epic gee.

Oh good, for you.


--- Quote from: UberLord/Kenny on May 08, 2010, 06:54:29 PM ---I was playing with frank today. He added me. I was caught off guard when he said hi.
Frank: Hey
Me: Wait, I know you...
Me: Give me a second
Frank: I'm from the forums, lawl
Me: I knew that....
Then we played tf2 on an arena server and we lived happily ever after <3

--- End quote ---
And we have to play Dodgeball together again!
I still have the Screenshots of the kills that we both helped with. That was an epic fun time too <3

Yeah, if we have frank it will be omgwtfhax fun! We have to have everyone with legit tf2 on the dodgeball server at once...

today im at ze farm :(

I'll be back tomorrow on TF2
Internut here sux0r
Wuv joo


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