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Whats in your wallet?

<< < (6/10) > >>

Banana Hat:
medicade card
debit card
school id
drivers permit
may RTD pass (Colorado's metro transportation service)
my bankers business cars
Gabino Villanueva's social security card.  ??? (found it in the street. I should really mail it in.) EDIT: I just threw it in the mail box :P
my cell phone number
an old medical insurance card.
Paper cranes
old car insurance and registration.

175 euro's
2 Credit Cards
3 Insurance Cards
1 Paypal Card
1 Penis
ovar 9000 PINGAZ
and over shitz i don't use

Pistols and cheese bitch!

devvybabe ♥:
Let's see,

-Driver's license. ( expires 2019 o.o )
-Car insurance card ( expires this october -.- )
-Car title (show me the car fax D:< )
-Health insurance card ( Blue cross blue shield ftw )
-Fishing and Hunting license ( if you live in the south this is a must! )
-Debit card
-Credit card
-Victoria Secret giftcard ( Its empty I think )
-Hardees coupons ( for breakfast :D )
-Social Security Card
-Two letters from my professor
-hair pin
-hair bow
-A picture of someone very special
-Couple of $$$, too lazy to count how much :/

and a condom. Naw just jokin...


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