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Whats in your wallet?

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So I'm bored so tell me whats in your wallet

155 Dollars
Bank card
Boat license,
Social insurance
Health card
Zellars card
Shoppers card
Petro Canada Card
2 Library cards
Subway card
Lawyers card
2 Casino cards
H&R block card (And other cards i can't remember ATM)
Pictures Of ex GF's, nieces nephews, cousins
5 Old bus pass pictures
4 Student id's
Old movie tickets

I gotta lot of crap cuz i never clean it Lol

LOL, I have 40 agorot (0.4 NIS) which are - 0.1054156 U.S. dollars  xD


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on May 07, 2010, 09:39:41 AM ---LOL, I have 40 agorot (0.4 NIS) which are - 0.1054156 U.S. dollars  xD

--- End quote ---

Wow you got like nothing in there Lol

I've got...

Old note from my dad
$107 (pesos) = around U$S25
Sacoa games card


--- Quote from: Frank on May 07, 2010, 10:07:37 AM ---I've got...

Old note from my dad
$107 (pesos) = around U$S25
Sacoa games card

--- End quote ---

You also got like nothing... I'm i the only one that has lots in their wallets....


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