Too bad the ones you put for me were not spam.
If Valid.Entity ragdoll_physics is a code that could stop prop killing in TTT. I put "lulululul" because everyone was trying to figure it out and I just lol'd when I popped in and showed them :/.
"Hooray for justice." so what lol? Happy the minge got banned.
Last note. Stop being a hypocrite. While we were talking about an ontopic subject you found it reasonable to post the word "Sperm". :/. That us just the first thing that comes to mind.
I kind of doubt that coolzeldad will make anyone else a Global Moderator bro. Jussayin'.
Wow at Frank's spam, and I still can't believe you consider me a spammer.
Before I have to edit this, I can't decide between a 0 or a -1. :/. Seriously, saying that you are going to start banning people alot makes you look bad bro. If you want that go apply on Facepunch.
Coolzeldad and the other GM are doing fine. I don't see the point in adding anymore GM's.
Coolzeldad owns the forums, I am pretty sure he knows who is spamming.
Other than Frank, no one is really breaking the rule of excessive spamming. I think you want this for unreasonable causes AND to use it like you say. Banning people that you don't like is not a good thing to imply.
I've been a GM before and it is not as easy as being an in-game admin or the moderator of the respected apps thread. I was neieve when I first received GM, I underestimated how tough the job was. You must make reasonable judgement.
You don't always keep your calm if you know what I am saying. When you get mad it is harder for you to think about your actions. Like when you got mad in wire and nuked everyone repeatadly. :l.
I am not just going to give you a plus one because we are friends. I give you a plus one because I believe in you.
Good Luck...

To everyone not named magic:
Do not be mad at ne for having an opinion.