Don't read this if you want to reply like an asshole.I got suspended from school many times. I had a friend and we would fuck with the teachers everyday and fuck with the retard kids. We once had a fight with books. Wait, not just once. We would just fucking through books across the class room.
I had a paper airplane once and I threw it towards my friend it was a perfect throw, however the air conditioning thought otherwise. The paper airplane made a left and then made a right.

I enjoyed that detention.
One time we had a substitute teacher and this retard kid was building a fort out of books. We just watched as the teacher was an idiot. The kid left it there and forgot about. The next day he got suspended for making a fort out of books.
Another time we had a substitute teacher he was an idiot. He gave us that "I'll just tell your teacher." warning. So me and my friends would fucking tackle each other out of no where. One of my friends was a midget and we loved just throwing him into the girls bathroom. He always got us back by hitting us in the balls.

I miss school but I'm metal and have problems with people where I live. As I cut myself and stuff. I'm over the whole emotional thing. I don't feel like being called "emo." So I will stick to independent study.

So don't get me wrong, I have messed up my life but I'm not the only one. My best buddy Corey is
now addicted to every bad drug out there. We used to be really good friends like Turk and J.D. on scrubs.

He's messed up because of a girl. I was messed up because of well a lot of things.
The point is don't take shit seriously. In the end it's not worth it. Unless you honestly have nothing to live for. If so make sure you kill yourself fast because you don't want to end up sitting in a mental hospital with a bunch of nut cases. With the only thing to do is look out your window at a beer company. Stress about the homicidal neighbors you have. See the doctor who will take you off the medication that helps you and put you on medication that doesn't help you at all.
I'm just saying fuck me I don't want attention I'm just talking out of my asshole. Still that's all true. You may even be sent to the hospital I was sent to. A kid who thought I was a vampire terrorist was sent all the way from Texas to California. Funny story to be honest.
Down to the point... don't cut yourself it takes too long to bleed out in some cases. When you do get back you have to clean your desk and that blood stained carpet. (Not the best place to do something like this.)
OMFG here comes the hate replies.
Fixed... I'm such a fucking idiot sometimes. Also thank you for the nice replies.