Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Coolz + Adminz/Modz please read.

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Banana Hat:
what might be better is logging the votekicks/bans to a file with a case number and require a reason for them. This way a bannie could report the vote and if it is unjust we could quickly demote then initiator and everyone who voted yes.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Banana Hat on April 30, 2010, 02:12:19 AM ---what might be better is logging the votekicks/bans to a file with a case number and require a reason for them. This way a bannie could report the vote and if it is unjust we could quickly demote then initiator and everyone who voted yes.

--- End quote ---

^^ 99% agree

Banana Hat:
what 1% am i missing?


--- Quote from: Banana Hat on May 01, 2010, 10:23:05 PM ---what 1% am i missing?

--- End quote ---
It didn't include pix of your hot mom...

I 101% agree with Xrain, have 2 groups, one for tools and being a normal member, and another for respected's, who can handle the situation when administrator are absent. Also, making the respected application much harder, making it much much harder to get respected is a great idea.


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