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Coolz + Adminz/Modz please read.

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Ok so this is just my 2 cents on what i see going on, it's kind of getting old to me and i'm hoping that you will take this one suggestion into consideration.
We talk about this 100s of times but nothing seems to change, what I am talking about is the respected. AKA respectards

My suggestion for you is to let the admins decide who gets respected and to delete the intro section as a whole, or maybe that section is just to get into the steam group.
The main issue that I have with respectards is getting randomly banned and kicked for doing absolutely nothing wrong.
I am just so tired of minges getting respected, there are better ways of dealing with this issue and i hope you look into this.

Yesterday as you may have noticed in the report section, i was banned for shooting a breakable door in fort.
Yesterday I was kicked for breaking the bridge and standing on one of the pegs in deathtrap.
I have been kicked many times on deathlab for breaking the bridge and standing on the peg so the bridge won't come across.


Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: carphunter963 on April 29, 2010, 11:28:53 AM ---Ok so this is just my 2 cents on what i see going on, it's kind of getting old to me and i'm hoping that you will take this one suggestion into consideration.
We talk about this 100s of times but nothing seems to change, what I am talking about is the respected. AKA respectards

My suggestion for you is to let the admins decide who gets respected and to delete the intro section as a whole, or maybe that section is just to get into the steam group.
The main issue that I have with respectards is getting randomly banned and kicked for doing absolutely nothing wrong.
I am just so tired of minges getting respected, there are better ways of dealing with this issue and i hope you look into this.

Yesterday as you may have noticed in the report section, i was banned for shooting a breakable door in fort.
Yesterday I was kicked for breaking the bridge and standing on one of the pegs in deathtrap.
I have been kicked many times on deathlab for breaking the bridge and standing on the peg so the bridge won't come across.


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i dont play zs very often but it does seem by this that  it is full of respectards as you put it. i dont see respectards anywhere else.

yeah i say be more strict on respected apps. by this i mean we should wait for feedback from lets say more than 3 respected members. if this hasnt been fuffileed. no respectd. (idk how it would work but that my two cents)

Introduce VIP. Buff respected a bit. Only able to votekick or somthing.
So true man. There are alot of power abusers right now. Not even fun anymore. Gmod is all about fun. Its killing it man.
Always a sense of competition. "Im better then you". Not cool anymore. :(

Yea, I agree with this sentement. When the respected system was first introduced it made sense. It's original purpose was instead of just allowing votekick/ban for all players, which would allow someone to just join and kick everyone; was to add a buffer, that would allow us to select regular players who would be less likely to abuse it.

But it seems this had a drawback of the respected players viewing themselves as privileges over the general population, and using their powers to an excess and acting as mini-admins. Which was not the original intent of the system.

Most of the vip recommendations so far have been for the creation of a demi-admin group laying somewhere in-between admin an the current respected user. When the original respected system was supposed to be a half-way point between the general guest, and the admin class.

Was is really needed, instead of a vip class, make a "regular" category, which would provide access to the tools in wire-build, and maybe have a vote-kick with a long timer. So that way, we can make access to respected much more strict, and a lot more of a privilege than a right.

So keep the respected introductions section to allow us to keep track of players. But just add a halfway class so we don't feel so obligated to accept people's respected apps, and also wont feel as bad when we hit the good ole un-respect button.

Thanks for your input Xrain, all i ask for is a simple solution to reduce respected minges.
The admins on the server seem to approve every single respected application without even knowing the person.

The elite zs players tend to get banned more than others and it is kind of getting old, the other day pyrokenesis was banned because he was doing so well and was falsely accused of having an aimbot.

I could easily list 10 minge respected off of the top of my head, this is too many, and i dont think that any new classes should be introduced between guest and respected, or between respected and admin. I think there is a very simple solution to this and that is by the admins selecting long term players who are responsible and respectful, and who don't minge.


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