before you look at this whole report, let me tell you the whole story.i was playing with a group of people in the flood server that all they did was money round. the main runners of the show were takaki1785 and dokuo0303. they both have relatively alot of money each and play regularly. one of them would build a big boat and would just money round fro the whole time. i couldnt kick any of them they just vote no.
FIRST MONEY ROUND# 1846 "[JP]dokuo0303" STEAM_0:1:30528627 1:34:18 171 0 active
# 1848 "takaki1785" STEAM_0:1:29061151 1:29:29 150 0 active
# 1864 "(SCG)LilPop" STEAM_0:1:27598925 08:11 153 0 active
# 1852 "thiago estevao" STEAM_0:0:27261366 1:00:20 234 0 active
# 1863 "Subject 678" STEAM_0:1:31297653 09:21 127 0 active
# 1861 ".:RND`=- Boat Sinker" STEAM_0:1:23916656 18:33 157 0 active
not invloved# 1860 "ncc360" STEAM_0:0:30324945 30:30 125 0 active
# 1865 "carcinoGeneticist" STEAM_0:1:19761675 01:06 110 0 a
not invlolved

showing that they vote no and act like a gang
SECOND MONEY ROUNDSTEAM_0:1:30528627 2:00:13 175 0 active
# 1848 "[JP]takaki1785" STEAM_0:1:29061151 1:55:24 155 0 active
# 1864 "(SCG)LilPop" STEAM_0:1:27598925 34:05 154 0 active
# 1869 "thiago estevao" STEAM_0:0:27261366 10:47 241 0 active
# 1870 "Subject 678" STEAM_0:1:31297653 10:25 135 0 active
# 1868 "NADER" STEAM_0:0:12950461 15:06 143 0 active
# 1860 "ncc360" STEAM_0:0:30324945 56:24 135 0 active
# 1865 "carcinoGeneticist" STEAM_0:1:19761675 27:01 108 0 active
# 1871 "Thirsty Camel George" STEAM_0:1:23916656 01:29 172 0 active
me in diguise)# 1872 "swampbuggy" STEAM_0:0:30478905 01:08 140 0 active

takakis way of beating other boats lol. he was also prop pushing.

STEAM_0:1:30528627 2:00:13 175 0 active
# 1848 "[JP]takaki1785" STEAM_0:1:29061151 1:55:24 155 0 active
# 1864 "(SCG)LilPop" STEAM_0:1:27598925 34:05 154 0 active
# 1869 "thiago estevao" STEAM_0:0:27261366 10:47 241 0 active
# 1870 "Subject 678" STEAM_0:1:31297653 10:25 135 0 active
# 1868 "NADER" STEAM_0:0:12950461 15:06 143 0 active
# 1860 "ncc360" STEAM_0:0:30324945 56:24 135 0 active
# 1865 "carcinoGeneticist" STEAM_0:1:19761675 27:01 108 0 active
# 1871 "Thirsty Camel George" STEAM_0:1:23916656 01:29 172 0 active
# 1872 "swampbuggy" STEAM_0:0:30478905 01:08 140 0 active
from this i think that dokoku and takaki should get banned for a few days to teach them a lesson