I dont know if its to soon for me to do this considering i havent been member of the site for long. But i have played your server for 4 almost 5 months now so here it goes.
Game Name: Hunter.Hg //Really innovative and a name never to be seen before, extremely original i must say

Steam Username:martinlarsen706 //You must have a usernam so this was what i picked
Country: Denmark //This is the country where people like my self is born with absolutely no brain except the one between our legs.
Name: Martin //My parents decision
Age: 22 //Atleast im not closest to 30 yet
Work: Only when i want to

//One of the advantages of having my own company.
Skills: Php/html/flash/photoshop/Lua and Java Programming
Married: No //I wouldnt have time to game then would i?
Kids: 0 //Im aint going to get any at the momment but some day i wanna have some small computer nerds:P
Reasons why I should get this position:
1. Im not just a retard like everyone else is im like a new kind of super retard but im also fair and play by the rulez,
2. You guys got the most awesome server and players.
3. I am Serious when i need to be so.
4. Il tell mommy if u reject me

5. Im aint going to abuse it.
I hope to be able to give something back to this comunity cause i have gained so much from it.
Best Regards Hunter.Hg
Peace mates!