Hello im known in game as SomeRandomGuy09, i just recently was able to register for the forums but i have been playing Random Servers for awhile especially Random TTT. Im pretty good in-game overall and most people i play with have a pretty fun time

. Things i like to do in-game, well... (PWN DA N00z wit ma deagle xD) beat unexperienced gamers with my .50 cal Desert eagel =P, and have some fun talking with those in TTT. Things I dislike..... "OMG STOP RDMING" as a little kid screams over the mic as i discover that he was a traitor after he clearly killed someone in front of me >.> people that hack (Though i dont see it that much) And people that are too ignorant to listen to the rules of the game and mic spam CONSTANTLY! (basicaly a minge....) And thats it thank you for reading my application and i hope to soon be a Respected with my other friends that play on Random =D.