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Ask me about my zombeh plan

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devvybabe ♥:
Am I late to this thread or what,

But yeah my zombie plan is probably stick with smasters and carp and hope to God I can keep up.
Nah seriously I would probably be in charge of cading and assisting with kills. I've worked with smasters and carp before.
We make an awesome team. Fort daytime under that water thingy it was just us three, 6 boards of wood and a horde coming at us.
But if I ever turn into a zombie then:


Proudly Infected:
LOL then my stragglin' tall self might fall over and just chill there. 

BUT if I redeem as human.. I'd go quickly to SDK and figure out all teh glitches and teh pro secrets, then come back and be all pro and shit. cause that shit is so cash

Cake Face:

--- Quote from: Kräsh∑r on April 21, 2010, 01:07:47 PM ---Kräsher's Zombo Survival Plan.After meeting up with Smasters, Carp, Deviant, and jim, I would pass out P90's. Deviant would take care of our cade, Me and carp would guard, and jim would sentry up on the top. Epic Music would begin to play.
Angerfist - Take U Back
Soon after the 130 Kill streak we all achieved, We will retreat to the cade, Then holding up our fort Gears of War Style. This is also when 1:02 will start in our song. (Above.)

--- End quote ---

Way to not include me assmunch.


If the humans built a nice little forest of cade kit planks on a shitty map that has waay too human advantages *cough*motel*cough*, Then have everyone gather around the cade site with 15+ poison zombies and chems and all rush in at once. Repeat as necessary.

Tiger Guy:
I would go on my map with sMasters and a few other people and parkour our way under the map.


--- Quote from: Kräsh∑r on April 21, 2010, 01:47:09 PM ---xDD
Dude I seriously lua hack. ITS SO EASY, our RND anti-cheat isn't working hard enough xD.

(I don't aimbot :l.)

--- End quote ---

and u where pissed whin i use mah wallz to find shit on wire :L


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