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Ask me about my zombeh plan
My zombie plan is to take my shotguns and MP6 and go into a room with no windows and use teh zombies I kill as mah baricade.
I might even sacrafice some hamsters.
Post your mega epic zombeh plan NOW!
I will take many nigger with shotguns to halp me. As they diez I use tehm asa barricadez. I wil haz many gunz with many aamoez.
I tie a rubber ducky to the end of a towel and have a backpack full of ipods for inspiration musik and my comrades will be the members of the symphony orchestra and together we shall smite thy zombie with duckies and instruments and loud moooosik!
--- Quote from: jimonions on April 19, 2010, 03:51:09 PM ---I tie a rubber ducky to the end of a towel and have a backpack full of ipods for inspiration musik and my comrades will be the members of the symphony orchestra and together we shall smite thy zombie with duckies and instruments and loud moooosik!
--- End quote ---
very good I lak you style
i think jim wins, but if i were to ever die i would want to die in a zombie apocolypse lol. With some epic music, epic weapons, epic fallback baricade, and just pwn some zombies. First i would do like we always do in the normal zs server lol, and keel teh zombies out in da open then when i get over run i would fall back into the cade with the epic moosic and my weapons and rape some zombos.
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