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Ask me about my zombeh plan

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Majoras mask:

--- Quote from: Kräsher on April 21, 2010, 01:07:47 PM ---Kräsher's Zombo Survival Plan.After meeting up with Smasters, Carp, Deviant, and jim, I would pass out P90's. Deviant would take care of our cade, Me and carp would guard, and jim would sentry up on the top. Epic Music would begin to play.
Angerfist - Take U Back
Soon after the 130 Kill streak we all achieved, We will retreat to the cade, Then holding up our fort Gears of War Style. This is also when 1:02 will start in our song. (Above.)

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wut would i do  :o

smasters would fap to some pron while teh zombies were om nom noming on his brainz  ???

Majoras mask:

--- Quote from: carphunter963 on April 21, 2010, 02:47:30 PM ---smasters would fap to some pron while teh zombies were om nom noming on his brainz  ???

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AND LIVE!!!!!!


--- Quote from: Kräsher on April 21, 2010, 01:07:47 PM ---Kräsher's Zombo Survival Plan.After meeting up with Smasters, Carp, Deviant, and jim, I would pass out P90's. Deviant would take care of our cade, Me and carp would guard, and jim would sentry up on the top. Epic Music would begin to play.
Angerfist - Take U Back
Soon after the 130 Kill streak we all achieved, We will retreat to the cade, Then holding up our fort Gears of War Style. This is also when 1:02 will start in our song. (Above.)

--- End quote ---
is that country music or rock maybe its jazz

Deviant, Krasher, Carp and Smasters fall prey to the zombies so I use my super powers to kill myself.


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