Pointing out the obvious, you cannot get better somehing if it is not a challenge. I personally love the deathmaps. The need to work together and solve difficult problems is a very cool thing to do. He proves that ZS isn't a 1 man/lone wolf type of game. Work together and be rewarded for it. You are a zombie and you suddenly hate the deathmaps? Do not worry, the game doesn't last forever.
As a zombie it has been found out that if you charge a room as a horde the chances of winning right there are very high. The more backup you have makes the human players worry a bit more than they would if it was 1 v. All of them.
What's so bad about deahtmaps? Is it that you are not skilled enough to play them? Because if you think about it all it takes is skill to pass all the traps and such.
People are throwing grenades/pushing people off? Well they just tucked hemselves in the ass. That is just one more zombie to come to maul them. Even if they were pushing it doesn't mean you have to go through at that very moment.
Do you have to hurry because the zombies are like 2 feet away, and you have to cross that deathramp? Take a chance. You only have two options, run, or shoot. Altough you have the ability to back pedal and shoot, it is not recommend you do so when crossing a trap.
Facing a zombie right at the spawn is like facing the same zombie in the other 'secret' room, it is just further away. Seriously, we camped the drop ramp on deathtime for the whole 10 rounds. We all had Uzi, Shotguns, UMPs, and P90s. Can't find a way up to the room because the ladder is gone, or not there? Do what me and sf.|Smasters did on deathtime, we made a wooden box staircase all the way up the the entrance. That was no easy feat.
Seriously for a second think. The only reason anyone has pointed out so far that the deathmaps suck and should be removed is pretty much that they hate dying on it. There is no good reason to remove them. Stop whining about them, coolzeldad will not remove them, there is nothing wrong with them.
The voting system is a democracy, each player votes for the map they want. And so happens that the map chosen is a majority vote, so there is no unfair choosing of the maps. Get over all of this "deathmaps are gay, sleepersoft needs to go die in a hole" shit. Play the game the way it was meant to. The only unfair thing would be removing the deathmaps. Apparently people like them. And so by removing then you are removing maps that players like to play.
Games are meant to be a challenge, if you disagree then I do not know why you play them. People minging in the maps is nothing, that door thing? I do not even acknowledge the people that are doing this. All it is, is another challenge we must face in the game.
Say someone gets über kills and unlocks super weapons, and starts camp owning you all. This is no ones fault but your own as a zombie.
Deathmaps do not ruin the game. They provide a strong base for players to improve there basic skills in Zs.
Ex. After I camped in the upper last room on deathtime with only tiger guy and myself. I found a good strategy to use with others. Do not wait for the zombie to break your Cade and kill you, take a stand and kill every last one of them as we did.
Feel free to disagree with the truth and hide in lies. You are entitled to an opinion, although the only support you on the counter side would have is "i dunt liek dying

" or "it's unfair to the players". It is not unfair to the players, if everyone really hated them like you all say, why do they keep voting for them. Yes, they could he trolls, but it does not matter. Each and every player on the RND ZS server is entitled an opinion on what they want to play. Be thankful the voting system is even there, it's better than nothing at all.
While I am at it, there is nothing wrong with the voting system either. Players vote for what map they wish to play. Pretty simple. It is what the majority wants to play, so why should you get what you want over all of the other people? That, would be unfair. The maps, voting, and everything about ZS is completely fair. If you do not wish to play the map but everyone else on the sever does. Why should you get to play the map you want and make everyone else unhappy.
I am tired of people complaining about things that need not be. But like I said, your opinion is your own. In the end, death maps will not be deleted. Get over it. They are here to stay so players may choose them as they please. The so called unfair advantage that the humans have? There is no real advantage to it. It is what they do on every ZS map. Camp. Everyone does it, even you the person complaining about it. You know that if you too were alive your ass would be right up there with the rest of them. You can't deny that. The problem isn't the maps. It is not the maps fault you don't have the skill of jumping and then pressing control, or doing the basic task of aiming your gun at a zombies testicles. The players who stand up and take a charge are in fact the most successful, especially when they stick togeher in groups. You can't do it alone, stick togther. The deathmaps provide equal challenges for everyone. If you hate dying then go play wire or something. You were the one who joined the server. I mean seriously, the point of the game is to survive. The sufferage from dying is the price you had to pay for losing the game. All in all, enjoy the game. That is what it was made for.