hi, meh name is Mr.black and RND freaking rullez all the server unless there down then im pissy

ok down to the story im a realy nice person if u get the chanse to know me but there is one thing i dislike if u delete or screw up somthing i make or built for u, im most likely to have a small tempertantum but thats rare becuze i have paations and ive been to angermangment clases JK oh and my fav server on here has to be gm_hugehalfflatgrass2009 oh and me and my friend lol_123 we built a nice realisic jet and one of the repcteds named premiem lied to us then left so we would bag him to save it since it took us like 30 mins oh and im not a good speller on some ocations and some times im not so........well if there is anything else u would like to know my steam id is bryn158 and im willing to answer any damned question u throw at me oh and im 13
and male oh and i gots a mic that might work where trying to figure out if we need softwhere and iff not where bringing it back and buying the one i wanted not the one that cost the least oh and my hobbie is staying my fat ass on the pc all god damn day and sometimes going outside and ignoreing friends talking about there girlfrineds and i think thats all
sunserly Mr.black (bryn158)
p.s i LOVE RND SERVERS and the admins are realy polite for a matter of fack oh and coolz if u get to reading this thanks for guideing me though and telling me ull fix that id code for signing up and i thank him very mutch and well i think this is long enuf so bai bai meh homies!