Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps
Can i be respected?
I promise that i never do it ageyn!
I understand that it is bad!
You can test me!
I dont play at ttt server ever!
I am sory about that what bad i was do!
Do you know that they say bad word about my country, they make me sad!Thats why i do it! But i am sory now about it!
You can see that i dont minging now and i dont let minge to other!
Do you know that "maxplayer" breack server today? He use console commands! I see that! And i say CG about that!
I will dont ban any without reason!
Sory but some time i say that i can ban any becouse they money roundin) But that only for follow ruls!
He minges a lot with Trails and Ropes, doesn't jump and permanently says that he will ban everyone for the stupidest reasons. Please don't give us another Minge Respected.
--- Quote from: Don on April 18, 2010, 11:03:11 AM ---DON'T GIVE HIM RESPECTED!
He minges a lot with Trails and Ropes, doesn't jump and permanently says that he will ban everyone for the stupidest reasons. Please don't give us another Minge Respected.
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i do trust u and deviant never seen him before seems's like he is a minge
--- Quote from: StashHouse on April 18, 2010, 10:35:13 AM ---DUDE, FUCK YOU. You broke the rules in flood AND in TTT.,2859.0.html
A post with a chat log, demo, description, AND witnesses that saw you breaking the rules.
You don't have my recommendation, and I don't welcome you to the forums.
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u lol ur a epic minge 2 just about everyone hates u in TTT because u rdm u say u will ban for something so retarded it will make god's head blow up
so u should just srfu
Nuff said.
--- Quote ---u lol ur a epic minge 2 just about everyone hates u in TTT because u rdm u say u will ban for something so retarded it will make god's head blow up
so u should just srfu
--- End quote ---
orly? Last I heard, rdming wasn't against the rules... People do it all the time. I try keeping it at a minimum, and people accuse me for rdming even when I have a reason for killing someone.
Also, I only ask for ban on people in flood who money round, prop push, prop spam, or act like douches. I don't break rules.
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