Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

Can i be respected?

(1/5) > >>
I wont be repected!
My name in game is ""
I can do all at wire!
I am REALy GAMER! :exclaim:
I playd to all MULTIPLAYER games!
I spend many time on rnds servers (zs and flood)
I respect ruls!
At last mounth i dont break rule!
I can report whos money rounding! becouse i dont like it!
I sow that many respected was money rounded! :(
I am from Russia, but is not bad!!!!!!
(I dont understand why you dont like us? :()
I think i know english well) :angel:
I hope you understand me and i hope that i dont have mistakes) ;)
What i shall do to be respected?

DUDE, FUCK YOU. You broke the rules in flood AND in TTT.,2859.0.html

A post with a chat log, demo, description, AND witnesses that saw you breaking the rules.

You don't have my recommendation, and I don't welcome you to the forums.

Majoras mask:
you rage to much

No. This guy is a major minge. Prop Pushing, Prop killing, Prop Spamming... Told him to stop, he just laughed.

devvybabe ♥:
Please don't give him respected.

He'll abuse for sure. Please dont give him respected!
He was threatening to ban for non-bannable reasons and reasons he makes up.

I'm trying to help rnd and warn admins...Please listen to us :(


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