First of all, THANK YOU Coolz for adding this section!
Now, I was actually wondering what forms of art people here are into. I've tried many different types of art.
For example, a while ago a tested out this thing called "Pyrographic Art" or "Wood Burning".
What it is is using a special sauldering iron with different tips to burn designs into wood. I've seen many incredible pictures (including ones with colour, I haven't gotten that far into it yet and it's complicated) in the shop I used to go to to get supplies for woodburning. I'm amazed at how detailed the images got with just using a hot metal tool to burn wood with. It takes an amazing amount of precision and focus.
Here is an example of pyrographic art:
This piece is not created by me nor do I own it, I only searched and found it on Google as an example xD.As you can see, that piece doesn't use any colour in it other then shades of black, brown, white which are created by burning the wood slowly and precisely in different ways.
As I said, I attempted this form of art but it didn't go so well xD. At least yet, I haven't practiced it much yet. Here is my first attempt of drawing a simple flower with my sauldering iron: (yes it's unfinished! D:)

Now as you can see it doesn't have many shades. That's because I didn't have the proper shading tips. I also had to work with a quite thick tip which was quite hard to go into detail with xD.
Pyrographic art isn't the only no-so-well-known form of art I've tried. I've also gotten into Calligraphy (which is more popular) and Etching.
Of course, I have also gotten into doing painting (many different types, oils, acrylic, watercolour, etc) and drawing.
Feel free to post any form of art you're into and any samples if you wish!