Age: 12 (13 in one whole month don't worry xD)
Age Extended: mhmhm, you may think this is young, but actually i'm not a crying minge like most people my age playing garry's mod... If i die, so what, it's for fun.

Also because i'm respected i don't abuse etc, you can ask almost anyone... I use correctly and help teh servers from the hackers etc....
Location / Hometown: I live in the wonderful continent of Europe, the country England, and my popular hometown Blackpool.
Education: Well ofcourse, i haven't had my own descision in learning oppurtunity's yet, that's next year, but if i have anything to study it would be programming o.s systems and designing games.
Programming Languages: mIRC, LUA, HTML, PHP, CSS (some css), JavaScript, XML, VB.
Occupation: I play football (soccer for you americans), for a town called Layton. It's not too big but we win some matches and we only started in this season

Servers: I play on the TTT and Wire Build servers, sometimes on Sled Build but it's rare because most people just use signs and go at 700mph, what's the point. Most people know me on the servers.
Time Playing: I've played garry's mod for about a year now, and these servers from just before december, i applied for application in january i think, joined forums around that time too.
More Info: Well i live a pretty normal life, go to school, play football (soccer), sleep, eat, drink... I'm usually on garry's mod every time i have some spare time...
Ingame Name: .:RND'=-RyFerret
Thanks for giving up the time to read my post. Scroll back to the top and vote on which you think is appropriate please

I've seen more win on
- RyFerret
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