got a distress call from Churros that he got banned from flood, so i went there and was emedietly banned by -hg- Thunder-Ninja Kitten
steam ids :
# 161 "$mooth_Criminal" STEAM_0:0:2860036 2:03:14 61 0 active
# 164 "-hg- Thunder-Ninja Kitten" STEAM_0:0:16929618 1:53:11 235 0 active
(smooth criminal might be a problem later on since he voted yes and laughed O.O)
heres a chatlog :p nothing much to see (ps im completebull I canged my name for undercover)
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_vote.lua
SWEP (fal) is derived from non existant SWEP (rg_base) - Expect errors!SWEP (deagle50c) is derived from non existant SWEP (rg_base) - Expect errors!Sending 52 'User Info' ConVars to server (cl_spewuserinfoconvars to see)
hit surface has no samples
hit surface has no samples
hit surface has no samples
hit surface has no samples
hit surface has no samples
hit surface has no samples
hit surface has no samples
hit surface has no samples
hit surface has no samples
FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: kill
Redownloading all lightmaps
[SolidVote] -hg- Thunder-Ninja Kitten initiated vote 'Ban player COMPLETEBULL for 60 minutes?'
[SolidVote] $mooth_Criminal voted yes.
[SolidVote] -hg- Thunder-Ninja Kitten voted yes.
Wrote 'screenshots/fm_grass_v30004.jpg': 2.36 MB (1024x768) compresssed (quality 90) to 153.01 KB
*DEAD* COMPLETEBULL: ninja your going to lose respect now
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Flood|Tick100|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rules in chat!
*DEAD* IrradiatedGamer(TLS): im dead lol
-hg- Thunder-Ninja Kitten: Meh
-hg- Thunder-Ninja Kitten: idc
$mooth_Criminal: lolz
Player |^_^<NicOtiN4ik>^_^| has joined the game
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Banned by vote for 60 minutes..
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Banned by vote for 60 minutes..
Banned by server
Banned by server
Banned by server
Banned by server
Banned by server