Hi i love the winter survival server its allot of fun, It entertains me allot when I'm bored. But i hate when people come on and kill you in middle of game, it is just annoying to be making a camp then get killed. I want to be respected so i can votekick/ban some people that are annoying other people. Theres not many respected people that play on winter survival, so it really bugs me when some annoying person comes on and spams mic or kills near beginning of round. I plat some other games like Counter strike source, Team fortress 2, AND g-mod

so i want to be respected so i don't need to worry about these people. It ticks me off when they come on, i got vote banned from one cause i killed him when there was only 3 left... and he was attempting to attack me anyways. My in game name is ThunderReptile
and my forum name is xXThunderReptileXx
obviously. So that's why i want to be respected, Hope it works.