Why this thread was allowed to descend in the depth of hell that it did is a mystery to me...
So roman8880, on to your application, it a little bit light on the content aspect, but since English most likely isn't your native language its good enough.
As for the rest of you, i believe this is the section where people introduce themselves, not the section where two monkeys fling crap at each other. So if you wish to do that, there is actually a section on this forum specifically for that task!

I believe it is called the Complaints section, or the Grave Yard, so feel free to troll each other there, and not in someone's respected app.
And hkill, considering in nearly every single app you tell them they need more content, I think it would be safe to assume that we get the point by now. So, if your only reply to someone is that "you don't have enough stuff in the app" maybe try being more original and saying something along the line of, "Oh, hey welcome to Rnd, Romania eh? i have a few cousins there, nice place, nice place... well good luck on your app!"
Got a problem? feel free to use the complaints forum, its what it was designed for.