Actually I've come up with a method of ridding the name changers. But I'm not posting it, I'm only telling people individually who I trust buecause I don't want my idea stolen again. I'm not totally sure if it works yet though, and I can't test it because Coolz(Lady Luck) kixed me for "hurting him with a prop" and noaw I dun haz respectedz. 
Hey, I'm not lady luck. TBH he/she is a previous admin with a new account that does not want me to reveal identity w/e.
I haven't played on that server in I do not know how long. I also don't behave in that manner..
If I am online and you see 'hard2ban' hackers like that, just give me a steam msg and I'll get rid of em.. until they get new acc or ip or w/e the hell.
If you need your respected fixed also msg me when I'm online and your in a server.
Hope you understand,