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CS_Assault (TTT server)
--- Quote from: -= Magic =- on April 18, 2010, 08:59:41 PM ---
Nigga get outa ma house, use wiki
Also, I played this map and it is a glitch, I will personally explode
whoever I see up there, As krasher and sabbath have experienced :)
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WTF? THAT's why you fucking exploded all non-admins? You fucking ass -_-. Don't expect an apology for comiting a crime I didn't know existed btw, and I'm somewhat dissapointed too -.-.
Well personally i agree with cobra people just usualy camp there for the lulz and its very annoying if you do manage to get up there and there are only traitors left well it kills the game experience (like the noob tube in COD) i think respecteds should be able to kick/ban players if they refuse to leave after several times =/
quit whining, its part of the map, if it is in the map you should be able to go there. if the traitor chooses to go their and waste his round to not get any kills and be a dumbass, that is his decision. But you should not be able to kick/ban someone for being up there.
--- Quote from: Somerandomguy09 on April 21, 2010, 07:40:23 PM ---Well personally i agree with cobra people just usualy camp there for the lulz and its very annoying if you do manage to get up there and there are only traitors left well it kills the game experience (like the noob tube in COD) i think respecteds should be able to kick/ban players if they refuse to leave after several times =/
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Ever hear of C4?
Use it nub.
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on April 21, 2010, 03:48:42 PM ---WTF? THAT's why you fucking exploded all non-admins? You fucking ass -_-. Don't expect an apology for comiting a crime I didn't know existed btw, and I'm somewhat dissapointed too -.-.
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Lol my dodgey mouse made me click all non admins xD
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