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CS_Assault (TTT server)

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All I can say is.... USE COMMON SENSE. It's not hard to get there, just crouch and walk past the poles slowly. Nothing difficult.

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: -= Magic =- on April 03, 2010, 03:29:54 AM ---lol

--- End quote ---

whats deus ex?

Please disallow this i am getting sick of campers going somewhere they are not even supposed to be. Its not part of the map and is unfair.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Boat Sinker on April 17, 2010, 12:14:40 PM ---whats deus ex?

--- End quote ---

Nigga get outa ma house, use wiki

Also, I played this map and it is a glitch, I will personally explode
whoever I see up there, As krasher and sabbath have experienced :)

Banana Hat:
Coolz said his opinoin so sush it's all fine and adds a bit of problem solving to the game. Anyway that map sucks and plays twice at server start (shouldent this be a bigger issue?). Anyway let us have our fun if your so aginst it just shot the people when they try to cross over.


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