THIS IS LEGITIMATE REPORT IGNORE FRANK HE IS SPAMMER.OK guys. I got some results in this wacky ordeal I didnt get steam IDS lol, just need to present SANDER'S Patented problem solution Approach.
Go to tick 34400 in the demo to see mah triumphant victory.
His name was Animal(somethingorother)
Im sifting through the demo to find the second guy. Give me a few moments
Couldnt find it. Its around tick 44400.
Oh well here is the demo. I never "random" banned anyone. Note here that I physically saw the chip before i banned.
The main point is that it is virtually impossible to know who is blinding people. This is a serious concern to me and I hope it is addressed promptly. DEMO (RND MORPHEUS INCRIMINATING)
I don't know if it is the real Morpheus so I will give you guys his steam id, which is also in the demo.
You will have to use demoui (type it in console) and drive, since I don't witness Morpheus use the blind e2 directly.
Early in the demo, before the 1 minute mark, you can see everyone grouped together EXCEPT Morpheus when I get blinded. You can tell it was him right off the bat, but that probably isn't adequate.
Run the demo at half speed so you can keep up. Make sure you are at human spawn by 1:40 in the demo. Follow Morpheus when he respawns.
Around 3:30 he does it again, you see him separate from the group, jump in the water, and fire toolgun.
Follow him around the entire demo if you can

It might be tough with the stupid e2 in your face.
Here is his steam ID and stuff, ploz pwn him almighty adm0ns.
# 6 ".:RND`=-Morpheus" STEAM_0:1:20770750 07:52 86 0 active note that I did not know it was him ingame, I explored the demo to determine who it was, and you can too.