Name: who has license to idle
SteamID: Rahel95
Favorite subject: Almost all of them

Age: 15
DoB: 1995
Stuff I do on garrysmod: I play flood or build on singleplayer
If I am bored I would play Team fortress 2 with my friends
location: England
You can contact me by steam or gmail.
I would like an steam group invitation too.
Yeah so that is me, I can add more information if you guys want. I basically wanted to introduce my self and know about the community I play with.

. also if it is possible can I be respected?
-edit- more info
My name used to be "who" I chose it for fun. So one day when I was idling at the server I came up with the name who has license to idle", this is my name origin.
On my old account, I did not buy gmod on it, I use to play on random servers because they were nosteam, that is how I know this server.
I have played a lot of games before for example:
halo CE
halo 2
halo 3
fallout 3
half life
half life 2
half life ep1
hl ep2
and lots of more games.
I got some basic skills in HTML, In free time I help my mom to create her website.
I usually only play flood, but later on i might join some other random servers.