Other Shiz > Boneyard

Xexxar (respected abuser)

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Cake Face:

--- Quote from: Xexxar on April 03, 2010, 07:32:00 PM ---You do realize that I wasnt spamming. No one asked me to stop. If they did I would have.

Please though. Next time try to tell more truth than lies. One more thing. Sanders I dont even run my hldj anymore. I do every now and then. Sides I only play good songs. =3

--- End quote ---

oh come now, I told you to stop once...to only have carp yell at me and make me sad saying I have a shitty taste in music and stuff...:(

Along time ago during teh early days of random people said i had a good one. :'(

xexxar dont be a pussy, you know you were spamming, atleast 1 person says to stop and you dont, thats how things like this work, just get over it cause nobody likes you

So the simple version is... You said nigger and Xexxar banned you. In my eyes your both wrong, but that's just my opinion.

Meh I go with maverick.

I stopped spamming after that song. Besides thats a tradition on that map to play that song. So....

ok one thing its called the MUTE Button USE IT!!!


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