Other Shiz > Boneyard
Xexxar (respected abuser)
Player: trainy can i be your pet?
LloydSlayer: me
Xexxar: YES I DID
Optimus Prime causes cancer!: stfu, xexxar
*DEAD* AVP: i am pet
Optimus Prime causes cancer!: fucking nigger music
*DEAD* Xexxar: h4x
*DEAD* Xexxar: Racist?
*DEAD* Xexxar: Excuse me
Optimus Prime causes cancer!: yes
Optimus Prime causes cancer!: I am
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
rANdOm Anti-Cheat V0.2 is Running on this Server
[SolidVote] Xexxar initiated vote 'Ban player Optimus Prime causes cancer! for 60 minutes?'
[SolidVote] Xexxar voted yes.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Deviant{ZsP} voted no.
[SolidVote] Optimus Prime causes cancer! voted no.
[SolidVote] **MλDOWNZ** voted yes.
(TEAM) myppl8: im going to turn off traps im in room
[SolidVote] Player voted yes.
[SolidVote] Proudly Infected voted yes.
[SolidVote] XxpartyboyxX voted yes.
Xexxar: Racist Bastard
[SolidVote] LloydSlayer voted yes.
[SolidVote] spaceman07s voted no.
[SolidVote] Tranny Abusive Fat Chick voted yes.
[SolidVote] (>)Lifed voted no.
[SolidVote] Fontaine voted yes.
[SolidVote] AVP voted no.
[SolidVote] [Titan] Blade-Fist voted yes.
[SolidVote] adrianunicosolo voted yes.
So, I was trolling mingies undercover on zs today. Then Xexxar played some music and I called it "nigger music".
Then he initiated a voteban because I'm "racist".
At first, I would like to say, that I'm not. I was just trolling for teh lulz. Unfortunately I didn't got his SteamId.
But my guess is, that you know, who this guy is.
He has an admin app up and everything....
Anyway, this just shows you what they do if they don't see any respected or admins on...
Not that I condone using words like 'nigger' but I told xexxar not to micspam crappy "imaboss" and shit. He doesn't realize how annoying that shit is yet...
--- Quote from: Dr.Zomboss on March 28, 2010, 01:07:10 PM ---Player: trainy can i be your pet?
LloydSlayer: me
Xexxar: YES I DID
Optimus Prime causes cancer!: stfu, xexxar
*DEAD* AVP: i am pet
Optimus Prime causes cancer!: fucking nigger music
*DEAD* Xexxar: h4x
*DEAD* Xexxar: Racist?
*DEAD* Xexxar: Excuse me
Optimus Prime causes cancer!: yes
Optimus Prime causes cancer!: I am
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
rANdOm Anti-Cheat V0.2 is Running on this Server
[SolidVote] Xexxar initiated vote 'Ban player Optimus Prime causes cancer! for 60 minutes?'
[SolidVote] Xexxar voted yes.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Deviant{ZsP} voted no.
[SolidVote] Optimus Prime causes cancer! voted no.
[SolidVote] **MλDOWNZ** voted yes.
(TEAM) myppl8: im going to turn off traps im in room
[SolidVote] Player voted yes.
[SolidVote] Proudly Infected voted yes.
[SolidVote] XxpartyboyxX voted yes.
Xexxar: Racist Bastard
[SolidVote] LloydSlayer voted yes.
[SolidVote] spaceman07s voted no.
[SolidVote] Tranny Abusive Fat Chick voted yes.
[SolidVote] (>)Lifed voted no.
[SolidVote] Fontaine voted yes.
[SolidVote] AVP voted no.
[SolidVote] [Titan] Blade-Fist voted yes.
[SolidVote] adrianunicosolo voted yes.
So, I was trolling mingies undercover on zs today. Then Xexxar played some music and I called it "nigger music".
Then he initiated a voteban because I'm "racist".
At first, I would like to say, that I'm not. I was just trolling for teh lulz. Unfortunately I didn't got his SteamId.
But my guess is, that you know, who this guy is.
--- End quote ---
i can get his steam id i see him at least one time a day
i gotta take a dump.
ontopic: damn! bad xexxar. Not good at all.
gonna take dump
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