moejoeking introduction pagehello I'm moejoeking and I'm gonna use xXMingebaggerXx's intro post,190.0.html]([url],190.0.html)[/url] as a reference and i like to think mingebag for it, have played with him and hes a good guy BTW.
What i like to do: i like to play zombies! Ive always loved zombies in everyway and i believe Ive seen every movie on them
why do i want to build my status? i play .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. zombie server and i hope to be a mod for it
Why a moderator?To make it funner for those in a game and better random servers.
Time on:after school and on the weekends
about me: i From Alabama, democrat ( hopefully this doesn't make y'all hate me

) and open to friend request on my steam account moejoeking and id love to be added to some of yawls groups
So send invites