Hey whats up all first time here on the forum.
Actually i joined 2 years ago XD but still its never late to introduce my self.
So i played in random servers ALLOT, like a year or more and i thought why not become a respected

I've played winter survival(got all recipes), flood(got all guns except of para),deathrun which is my favorite, prophunt tried but got some issues with connection, zombie survival didn't play i got enough of zombie mod from counter strike which i played it already like 8 years XD.
games I've played: HL(2,EP1:EP2,deathmatch) CS and CS:S, C&C, NFS, AVA, Drift city(from "IJJI"), BattleField , Americas army , team fortress , Dod source, portal and lots of lots which i cant really write them all lol.
So i like music..to much.. CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT! specially trances like psy, hardstyle, hardcore, i love rock too.
And i also dance Melbourne Shuffle its this awesome dance for the music hardstyle,hardcore i love it!
oo and soon I'll have girlfriend

yay so happy

Hmmm what can i say more.. ohh yea my name in steam is 19alex93(RuS) maybe some know me from flood

I would like to become respected but its all up to you all

have a nice day was nice to meet you all bye bye