LAWL, didn't see this thread earlier, this made me lul.
1st thing, you didn't kill me once, you didn't kill me twice nor trice, you killed my fuxing 5 times.
2nd thing, I fought back at the 1st and second time then at third time I got pissed cause I wanted to start building, so I asked from you to stop shooting me, you stopped shooting me for a while and went back to killing Anony Mouse and the other guys on the server, then Tomcat timed out, you shot me again, I got pissed even more and cursed you telling you to stop (btw when I asked from Anony to stop, he stopped, same thing when I asked from the others).
Then you didn't listen and shot me again (maybe you didn't see the message, I don't know) and I said I'm going to kick you, Anony Mouse said its a good idea cause you pissing him off, also another guy said that,
Don't remember who, and I voteban you, almost everyone voted yes and you got banned.
Don't fake the story so you will be the good, innocent guy, I never abuse votekick/ban I actually the one that barely uses it, and ALWAYS warn before I votekick/ban, ALWAYS.