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VIR (Very Important Respected)

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Some people vote no just to annoy the person who started the vote. I've seen it happen alot.

Id be game for VLR (Very Lame Respected)  ;D

Jack [UK]:

--- Quote from: Banana Hat on March 26, 2010, 05:52:50 PM ---Usually everyone votes yes for the hell of it. So if they vote no then they must defiantly not think that person deserves it.

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But You Have To Apply For VIR So If They Were Minge Respected They Would Be Rejected

--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on March 27, 2010, 02:16:29 AM ---I agree, once when I was on build with Anony Mouse and there was a bunch of minging Russians, and we couldn't votekick/ban them cause they were more then us and voted no for each vote we made.
Also I think there should be another rank - V.I.P   people with that rank will have more power in voting, like if they vote no it will be like 2 votes of no, cause people ignore votes sometimes and when I vote some mingebag its only me and him so I can't kick him....

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» Magic «:
No. We had a thread about this before

Jack [UK]:


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