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VIR (Very Important Respected)

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--- Quote from: hkill415 on March 28, 2010, 05:03:14 PM ---ya when i think of it doing vip or vir is a bad idea because
1 a gay guy/or abuser could get it frank
2 a minge could get it
3 alot of people would abuse. we already have a problem with respected abuse but now u want to give mingies/abusers/gays even more power bad idea

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Lol, these people will be chosen like admins, minges won't get this rank, and respected status is given WAAAAYYY too easily, a thing which I always hated....(and still hate lul)

No,Really,this idea is dumber then Hannah Montannah,both persona's and the tv show COMBINED


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on March 29, 2010, 02:40:34 AM ---Lol, these people will be chosen like admins, minges won't get this rank, and respected status is given WAAAAYYY too easily, a thing which I always hated....(and still hate lul)

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i think it should be alot harder than respected but not as hard as adminzz


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