:)Well hello everyone my game name is mike and recently i've been playing on your random flood sever>< which i happen to love allot...well after a few days of play i've met a few what they call respected players.But this one player that goe's by the name >๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester< decided to bann me because he didnt like my name >MIKE< is my player name and i dont really see anything wrong with it.Well what happened is that me and >flipskater33{TTFP}< who was with me on my boat through out the battle agains't other players. after we ended the shooting of the other players about a minute after >nico killer< and >๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester< started to ask us to jump and if we didnt we would get the kick.... So i started telling >flipskater33{TTFP}< to jump but he was refuseing to do it.I kept telling him to jump because it was my boat and i was the one to survive so after a while >๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester< instead of kicking >flipskater33{TTFP}< decided to kick me although the boat belonged to me.So i copied what was said.......here it is i hope you can help me because i like this server a lot and i think its unfair on how i was treated there....thanks to all

i know its not that long of a bann but we need to stop the abuse..!
flipskater33{TTFP}: lol close
flipskater33{TTFP}: aww
flipskater33{TTFP}: ahah
flipskater33{TTFP}: shit
Profile saved!
flipskater33{TTFP}: block him
flipskater33{TTFP}: block him
*DEAD* ๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester: Noobs
*DEAD* imagurl: lol he made it
flipskater33{TTFP}: u guys shot at us first
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
*DEAD* imagurl: i suppose ur respected royal ?
*DEAD* ๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester: Yes
flipskater33{TTFP}: ahaha
*DEAD* Nico killer: jump or kick
*DEAD* ๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester: Shall I begin the ban rapier?
*DEAD* imagurl: for what?
*DEAD* ๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester: Theirholding up the round
*DEAD* Hawt Shawt: why is Color spelled 'Colour'?
Profile saved!
flipskater33{TTFP}: lol
*DEAD* Nico killer: jump or kick
*DEAD* ๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester: I dont like mikes name so he'll go THEN we can play
flipskater33{TTFP}: nic r u respecteds
*DEAD* Hawt Shawt: ao this game was made by
[SolidVote] ๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester initiated vote 'Ban player MIKE for 60 minutes?'
[SolidVote] ๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester voted yes.
[SolidVote] flipskater33{TTFP} voted no.
[SolidVote] Black Star voted yes.
[SolidVote] imagurl voted no.
[SolidVote] MIKE voted no.
[SolidVote] lgMaXiMo voted yes.
[SolidVote] Nico killer voted yes.
[SolidVote] mclarke17 voted yes.
[SolidVote] ashton_moore voted no.
"๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester" STEAM_0:1:18772563 07:45 61 0 active
Unknown command "๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester"
] "flipskater33{TTFP}" STEAM_0:1:22040854 1:18:13 140 0 active
Unknown command "flipskater33{TTFP}"
] "Nico killer" STEAM_0:1:26017979 51:06 235 0 active
Unknown command "Nico killer"