Author Topic: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)  (Read 1242 times)

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Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:33:10 AM »
The Noobs Story.

        You join a Gmod Server. You didnt bother reading anything about it and you simply choose to join it randomly. As your connecting it appears you have no files to download. As your Sending Client info you wonder what this server may be. Suddenly your client connects to the server and you are in the server. Soon after you connect you find yourself with a "Knife" and "Battle Ax' Handgun" You dont know why you have them but you keep them out in case you need it. You are in a house, there is no one around. You go outside and to your suprise you see a zombie! You start to shoot it and walk backwards. The Zombie hits you once and you loose 30 hp. You run out of bullets and the zombie is still alive. He hits you again and you walk backwards into a prop. You are stuck and the zombie hits you again. You pull out your melee but to no use, the zombie hits the final strike, you fall down victim to a zombie, and become one yourself.

The Pro's Story

        (After Connection) You find yourself with a "Plank" and a "Owen's Handgun" The pro knows that unless a zombie has fallen over already the plank is a dangerous weapon to use because in order to do much damage you would have to get very close to the zombie for a length of time. He knows that the Owens handgun is the best pistol because of its multishot design and fast reload. He goes outside of a house to find a zombie walking slowly to him. He knows he can outrun it so he Crouches to get a higher accuracy, he shoots the zombie until the zombie is within 5 feet away from himself. He after that jumps away from the zombie, runs a bit, and crouches again continueing to shoot the zombie. He sees the zombie fall but does not get a kill. He runs up to the zombie, pulls out his melee to conserve his ammo. And smacks the zombie across the face. The zombies then dies. And the humans survives to fight another day.

The Basics

In order to be good at zombie survival there are 3 skills that you need to possess. (This only includes human skills) These Skills Are:

Prop Jumping!
I cant tell you how important it is to be able to jump of props without getting caught. The number one way a zombie kills a humans is if he gets stuck. You see zombies are slow creatures. Naturally the standard zombies goes 3/4's the speed of a human. When jumping over props you want to jump just about 1/2 a foot before you come in contact with the prop. Most props should be able to be completely jumped over with a good jump. If you find yourself stuck. The best way to get it out is to furiously pound of your spacebar and WASD keys. You will eventually get out either way. If a zombie sees you, you will want to try to kill the zombie before he causes harm to you.

(Tip: If a zombie is chasing you and you are holding a sweeper shotgun or boomstick, switch to a different gun. These two guns slow down your player.)

Aim Well!
Shootings the number 1 skill in zombified world! So you need to know some of the basics. If a zombie is in a range of 5-20 feet, crouch before shooting! If a zombie is getting too close, turn your back to the zombie and take off! Unless you know he has low HP. After you take off, get a good distance away, then go back into crouch mode and shoot yet again! Instead of running away you can also pull out your melee weapon to try to finish the job.

(Tip: You can kill a zombie in 4 hits with a shovel.)

Cade Making!
If I ever want this to be important its this.
In order to make a good cade it NEEDS the following:
1: The props inside the caded room. (This way to zombies have to be seen to hurt the cade.)
3: And stronge props to defend with. (Couches, metal tables, Frigdes, it depends on the situation.)
4: Cades need a place to fall back. (Another room, second cade, etc)

Cading should only be done when its half the humans are zombies. Never cade someone with lots of kills out. And Never cade early. Loosing skilled players is pretty much a death sentance. (But with this tutorial maybe you will be a skilled player)

(Tip: Cades need to be able to shoot through because zombies will destroy your cade without even a bit of resistance from you.)

These are three skills you need in zombie survival.

The Weapons

In this tutorial I am going to give you an in depth lesson on every weapon, there damage, delay, recoil, and my opinion using them. The order is Best to Worst.

The Weapon damage is based off opinion do to rnd being modified from the original Zombie Survival. The Delay is accurate.

Melee Weapons

Nick-Named the Shovelizer It does 65 Damage. And has a delay of 1 second. This is my favorite because of its high damage and low delay time. My opinion is that this weapon is the 3rd best in the game. Behind Reaper(2) and BoomStick(1)

Strategies: Use the run, hit, escape method.

Doing 55 damage a hit with a delay of 1 second. This is the second best melee weapon do to its speed and its still rather high damage.

Strategies: Use the run, hit, escape method.

Sledge Hammer
This weapon does 75 damage, however a very annoying 1.5 second delay makes it very hard for killing headcrabs. It also slows the player down slightly making it dangerous trying to escape zombies you just melee'd.

Strategies: Use the run, hit, escape method.

Carpenters Hammer
This weapon does 55 damage however with its regeneration of nail taking precious ammo from you, I had to rate this weapon lower than the axe. However its delay is lower than the axe. At 0.8 delay its faster than most melee weapons out there.

Strategies: Use the run, hit, escape method.

This weapon is good because it does 30 damage and has a delay of .75 also it increases your player speed BARELY but it does do a little bit. However you cannot spawn with this weapon. You must pick it up in the map if it’s in it. If you have a gun that’s worse than this and you see one, pick it up!

Strategies: Use the run, swerve, hit, swerve, hit, method.

This weapon is fine because it can still kill a zombie that has fallen over in one hit but it must be to the head. Its delay is one second. Its ok, but its better for cooking an egg.

Strategies: Use the run, swerve, hit, swerve, hit, method.

It will kill a zombie that has fallen over in one hit and has a delay of 0.75 It does 40 damage to the head. Its an ok weapon.

Strategies: Use the run, swerve, hit, swerve, hit, method.

The worst weapon in the game. I will not use it at all in zs. Its better to use your gun or use the plant as little as possible. It does 20 damage to the head. 10 damage everywhere else. If possible in anyway try to get a better weapon. It will increase your speed however. Its delay is 0.37.

Strategies: Use the run, hit, circle, hit method.

The Starter Pistols
They regenerate 10 bullets every regeneration. In Un-Life its 20.

'Owens' Handgun
The best starter pistol due to its 2 shot design. Each bullet does about 10 damage. The clip size is 12 shots and you can shoot those shots relitively fast. If every shot hits you can kill a zombie with about 5 shots. The delay is 0.2.

'Battle Axe' Handgun
The middle gun because of its damage per shot 18 and its 12 shot clip. The delay is 0.2 seconds.

'Peashooter' Handgun
If your trying to kill a zombie, this is not your weapon. If you hit every shot, headshot it will still take about 12 shots. The number one thing you want to conserve in zombie survival is ammo. Unless you are on a map with unlimited ammo this gun is not good at all to conserve ammo. Delay is 0.1

Secondary Pistols
They regenerate 10 bullets every regeneration. In Un-Life its 20.

'Zombie Drill' Desert Eagle
This weapon is good because you can shoot the bullets quickly with low recoil. About 45 damage a shot and a delay of only 0.3 delay, it does serious damage to standard zombies. Its relatively accurate.

Strategies: Aim for the head and use little

'Ricochete' Magnum
A good weapon that does a lot of damage. Around 75 a shot. Its delay is 0.7. Its also good because of its ricochete magnum. Its the most accurate gun out of all of them. But deagle is better because of speed. However Ricochete Does conserve ammo. There are very close.

Strategies: Use ricochet for your advantage.

'Crossfire' Glock
This weapons shoots three bullets every shot and each shot does about 20 damage each. If every shot gets a headshot it can be very painful. But most zombie scenarios you want to be far away from the zombie, so its not the greatest weapon. Its delay 0.3.

Strategies: Get close to the zombie and shoot at the head.

They regenerate 30 bullets ever regeneration. In Un-Life its 60.

'Reaper' UMP
2nd greatest weapon of all. Each clip carries 28 bullets Each bullet does about 30 damage. It shoots a slower speed so you dont burn all your ammo out. Its a great weapon. Its delay is 0.13.

Strategies: Aim for the head and crouch method.

'Shredder' SMG
Its a good weapon that does 20 damage each shot. Its delay is 0.09. It does burn ammo however and isnt the best. Its clip is 30 shots a clip. Its better than the uzi and the p90 however. So thats why its here.

Strategies: Aim for the head and crouch method.

'Sprayer' Uzi 9mm
This weapon is pretty lousy. If you have a deagle or ricochete use that as your main weapon. Each shot does about 15 damage. There are 40 shots in a clip. Its delay is 0.075. Like its name, its a sprayer and wastes a lot of ammo.

Strategies: Aim for the head and crouch method.

'Bullet Storm' P90
Probally the 5th worst weapon in the game. Its a very lousy gun that does about 14 damage a shot. It shoots at a rate of 0.08. It wastes ammo very quickly and I recommend like the previous gun to stick to your pistol as a main. Use the P90 as a backup.

Strategies: Aim for the head and crouch method.

They regenerate 7 bullets every regeneration. In Un-Life its 14 bullets.

THE GREATEST GUN OF ALL!!! This gun shoots 12 bullets per shot and each shot does 35 damage. If every shot hits. It does over 420 damage!!! However it does severely slow your player down. Also when shot it shoots you back. And the gun is not very accurate at long distance. 1 Shot per clip.

Strategies: Get close to the zombie at shoot towards the body.

'Sweeper' Shotgun
This gun carries 3 shots per clip. Also it shoots 5 bullets every shot. Each shot does about 38 damage. Its a good gun, but the boomstick is better. It has a medium accuracy and can be somewhat useful at long range. Its delay is 0.9 seconds.

Strategies: Get close to the zombie at shoot towards the body.

'Annabelle' Shotgun
This gun carries 4 shots per clip. It shoots 4 bullets per shot. Each does about 30 each. Its the most accurate shotgun of them all. However its low damage and bad functionality make it the worst shotgun of them all.

Strategies: Get close to the zombie and shoot towards the head.

Epic Weapons
It all depends on the weapon.

'Tiny' Slug Rifle
It does 130 damage a shot. Oh my gosh that’s a lot! Its also the most accurate weapon in the game and therefore is the 3rd greatest weapon of all. The delay of this weapon is 1.5 seconds. Also to reload it, it takes 2 seconds. Its clip carries 2 shots.

Strategies: Crouch and press right and shoot towards the head.

'Inferno' AUG
The gun holds 30 bullets and it uses the same ammo as an a submachinegun. Therefore you wont run out fast. It does about 24 damage a second It shoots a bullet every 0.11 seconds. Its very accurate.

Strategies: Crouch and shoot towards the head.

'Impaler' Crossbow
I could not find information for the damage of this weapon but I can assume its around 200. Its clip is 1 bullet.

Strategies: Shoot towards to zombie.

'Stalker' M4
I hate this weapon because of its custom ammo. It will quickly run out of its special ammo leaving you to switch to a different weapon. It holds 30 shots and has a delay of 0.11. Its does about 25 damage a shot.

Strategies: Crouch and shoot.

These are all the weapons of zombie survival.

The Three Rules to Survival

Stay with the Group!

Give a little, Get a lot.

Block Their Passage.

Use all this information to your advantage! A video survival guide may come out soon! Remember everything you have learned! You may too be on top of the damage list.

Carpenters Hammer?
SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 9999 -- ?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
SWEP.Primary.Damage = 18
SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 6
SWEP.Primary.Automatic = true
SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "Gravity" -- !?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.8
« Last Edit: April 03, 2010, 07:06:11 PM by Xexxar »

i dont rly know if i shold vote +1

vote +1 on my app and i will vote +1 on urs

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 11:10:19 AM »
plank isn't that bad.... i kinda like it
you got it

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 11:59:53 AM »
Plank is the best, shovel suxxors
Deviant and Proudly Infected Zombie couple :) I love her

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.:RND`=- Tomcat redeemed themself.

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2010, 12:49:04 PM »
Yeah and there's only been 5 billion
of these

They are meaningless

Offline devvybabe ♥

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2010, 07:39:24 PM »
I should find someone who cares. lol
It's the right thing to do.

what do guys and rubix cubes have in common?
The longer you play with them, the harder they get.

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 11:30:32 PM »
I have only made guides where needed, not saying this isn't "needed". Just saying that we have many.
But I guess it would be helpful to new players because of all the wide spread opinions and strategies.
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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2010, 04:21:11 PM »
Sigh... Royal Jester, your such a dang troll... I can see why no one likes you.

i dont rly know if i shold vote +1

vote +1 on my app and i will vote +1 on urs

Offline devvybabe ♥

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2010, 04:46:46 PM »
Sigh... Royal Jester, your such a dang troll... I can see why no one likes you.


what do guys and rubix cubes have in common?
The longer you play with them, the harder they get.

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2010, 04:52:11 PM »
Sigh... Royal Jester, your such a dang troll... I can see why no one likes you.

I can see why no one likes you,the only line a lonely idiot can say when he can't come up with a good come back

« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 04:54:57 PM by Royal Jester »
They are meaningless

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2010, 05:49:06 PM »

I can see why no one likes you,the only line a lonely idiot can say when he can't come up with a good come back


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They are meaningless

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2010, 02:48:38 AM »
Royal Jester, stop being a troll and ruining every thread people are opening, want to solve a problem with someone?
Go solve it with Private Messaging.

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2010, 04:40:08 AM »
I disagree. Xexxar is a very good person.

what do guys and rubix cubes have in common?
The longer you play with them, the harder they get.

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2010, 09:34:22 AM »
Royal Jester, stop being a troll and ruining every thread people are opening, want to solve a problem with someone?
Go solve it with Private Messaging.


Nel cannot help it
Nel had to become a troll just to survive in that bad place
They are meaningless

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Re: Xexxar's Original Zombie Survival Guide (Not Completed)
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2010, 09:38:01 AM »


Nel cannot help it
Nel had to become a troll just to survive in that bad place

Well good for you!