In a server dominated by children and idiots as they should be called. Usually people do not like the name idiot so I created my own term to avoid the risk of a flame war. (This works in real life too!)
Example A:
You: Your quite the In'duh'vidual Tim.
Tim: Thank you.
Do to the lack of intelligence of children you can then create this little humorous echo of the server because of everyone who reads forums, (AKA Non faggots) will have most likely read this term and realized the meaning of an in'duh'vidual. An In'duh'vidual is an idiot. But with this in real life you avoid bodily harm.
Example B:
You: Your an Idiot Tim.
Tim: What did you say!?
The Intelligence of the standard person can only be matched by the genius people who read my stories. For all of you wanting to know why the in'duh'vidual has such an idiotic reputation the reason is there its because of there standard age, Anywhere from 6 to 30. God made these people to slow down progression of all people who are what I would like to call: Intellectuals. If you are ever confronted with an In'duh'vidual, remain calm. The rest of my tutorials will explain the steps to excaping a situation involving the in'duh'vidual confronting the Intellectual.
Example C:
Tim: Sup dood, I herd u liek mudkipz.
You: Uhhh, I need to go to the bathroom, see you later.
It is important to avoid all contact with the in'duh'vidual. They can slowly deteriorate your knownlegde causing you to slowly become an in'duh'vidual yourself. If you are completely incapable of excaping an in'duh'vidual than you need to simply avoid listening intellectually into the conversation. To much confrontion can also make you begin to believe in'duh'viduals ideas such as Global Warming or Obamacare.
I hope you learned how to deal with in'duh'viduals with this tutorial. Have a good day.
This is going to become a series. If people enjoy it.